
Evaluation Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience for our film is young adults aged between 15 and 20. To find out what our audience wanted to see in a horror film we conducted a questionnaire with questions that would allow us to get a detailed description of what interests them. For example we would ask them a question and ask them to tell us the reasons for their choices.

Above are pictures of what our average target audience members looks like. The guy would have an interest in horror/ thriller films, he likes listening to music and plays a few instruments, he is a creative person who likes film making and photography. According to Rubicam and Young he would be the Explorer because he is care free trendy and daring. He is not calm and organised. He is unconventional and likes to break the rules and is also very witty.

The girl enjoys watching romantic, thriller, films and and hanging out with her friends. She is caring and calm. She tries to avoid confrotations and she always obeys the rules. According to Rubicam and Young she would be Mainstreem. She is a confident, honest and straightforward person who is popular who isnt afraid of disaproval. She is also organised and need and tidy. She also values security. She would probably relate to Alison's character as she has similar qualities.

For more on our audience profile here is a previous post I made on our audience profile:

We weren't aiming at a specific gender. However from the questionnaire we did we found that more guys liked watching horror that the girls, because of the gore and blood etc, so we tried to make a film that girls would also be able to watch. The ways we have done this is by having an underlying romantic storyline to it which they would be able to enjoy. If we were to create the whole film we wouldn't have a lot of gore and blood (films like Cabin Fever), instead we would find other ways to make it scary (for example by making jumpy- Drag Me to Hell), so that our female audience would be able to watch it.

Here is a link to a post I made on the BBFC:

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